سياسة الخصوصية


We,enamora jewellery company duly organized under the laws of Kuwait, 

(“we”, “us”, “ours”) respect the privacy of all of our users and are committed to protecting the information collected through the Website.

Personal information about you may be collected in several ways when you use the Website or any Services.

We provide this statement and our Cookies Policy ("Privacy Policy") to help you understand what we may do with any personal information we obtain from you. This Privacy Policy does not govern our collection or use of data about you through channels other than the Website. Please exit the Website immediately if you are accessing the Website in a country or other territory where use of the Website is not permitted.

1 - What categories of Personal Information do we collect?

The Website collects certain information when you interact with it, for example, the Website may collect "Personal Information", which is any information that can be used to identify, directly or indirectly, an individual. The Website may also collect data that does not identify you specifically. The following is a list of Personal Information that we may collect and process about you:

  • Information that you provide by filling out forms on the Website, including when you register, subscribe to any Services including but not limited to interactive services (such as blogs, chat rooms, message boards, or other user forums); enter a competition or promotion, complete a survey or report a problem with the Website: identification data, contact information, postal address, an email address;
  • Your correct date of birth, which we may require that you submit accurately to ensure that you do not access the Website if you are not of a legal age to purchase products offered for sale on the Website;
  • Any information you may provide when you contact us or send us a correspondence;
  • Information necessary to process an order which is placed with us: your name, email address, phone number, home address, shipping, and credit/debit card billing address(es);
  • Details of any transactions you carry out through the Website, including the placement of any orders by you: payment information (for example credit card details, or other payment details which you must provide to receive products you have ordered from us), connection data and your taste and preferences; and
  • Details of your visits to the Website including, but not limited to, your computer's IP address, password information, page interaction information, traffic data, location data, weblogs, and other data about the resources that you access.

You can access and review your Personal Information in the My Account section of the Website.

If your Personal Information changes in any way or is incorrectly presented on the Website you should immediately update or correct your Personal Information (as applicable) by accessing the My Account section on the Website or, alternatively, by contacting our Customer Service as detailed in Section 8 below.


2 - For which purposes do we use your Personal Information?

We collect the above-mentioned Personal Information for the following purposes:
For the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party:
to allow us to process your orders and payment, let you know the status of your order,
to manage your account and to serve your requests in general,
On the basis of the data subject's consent:
to send you our newsletters as well as details of our products, special offers or promotional offers that may be of interest to you,
For the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us:
to improve our understanding of your interests and concerns, to improve our understanding of your use of our products, for our internal marketing and demographic studies: we may use your information to make our Website design and products/services better, as we believe that it is also in our legitimate interest to better serve you and respond to your needs.
for security purposes: we may use information to protect our company, our clients, and our Website against fraud, theft or any wrongdoing which may affect our activity as it is our legitimate interest to ensure the security of our activity.

3 - Who do we share your Personal Information with?

Personal Information that you provide may be disclosed to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information as permitted by applicable law.

Personal Information may also be shared with other trading divisions within our group of companies, on a need-to-know basis, for the above-mentioned purposes.

Please be aware that if we are requested by any regulatory or government authority investigating any suspected activity to provide your Personal Information, we will be entitled to do so as permitted by applicable law.

We may also disclose your Personal Information onto our carefully selected business partners or to our affiliated companies to enable them to send you information which may be of interest to you, subject to your consent.

If you do not want to receive such information anymore, you can just click on the “UNSUBSCRIBE” link in our emails, or set up your preferences in your My Account section or simply contact our Customer Service as detailed in Section 8 below and they will assist you in this respect.

From time to time we may disclose Personal Information on a need-to-know basis:

To our service providers and subcontractors, including our affiliates, retained to perform functions on our behalf or to provide services to us, such as warehousing and delivery; marketing and advertising; data processing; software development; website hosting and management; information technology and office services; legal, accounting, audit and other third party service providers; and further provided such service provider does not collect, use or disclose the personal information for any purpose other than to perform such functions or to provide services to us or as otherwise required by law;

To any prospective seller or buyer of our business or assets;

If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to enforce or apply the Terms and Conditions of our Website and other agreements, to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain, or protect our rights, property, safety or security and that of our employees, agents, contractors, customers, the visitors of the Website or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.


4 - Who do we transfer your Personal Information?

In certain cases, and for data hosting purposes Personal Information we collected about you may be transferred to affiliates, service providers, business partners located outside the EU to which Personal Information are disclosed in the GCC countries, Jordan, Lebanon, Canada and Singapore including to entities that are located outside of the European Economic Area, which may not have an adequate level of protection.

We have implemented appropriate safeguards with such data recipients by entering into data transfer agreements based on the European Commission standards clauses with such data recipients. You can ask for a copy of such appropriate safeguards by contacting us as set out in Section 8 below